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Brittany Lynn Bung

Brittany Lynn Bung


In loving memory of Brittany Lynn Bung

Born June 13, 1998, at the Victoria Hospital in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Unexpectedly on her way to work October 3, 2017, our beloved Brittany put on her angel wings and started the journey home to reunite with loved ones.

Left to cherish her memory are her parents Randy and Lee Ann Bung, her brother Justin Peter Bung, her Grandmother Brigitta Bung, Grandpa Tom Berger, Grandparents Ken and Elizabeth Dowse, numerous aunts, uncles, great aunts and uncles and cousins, her loving partner Michael Stuart and many lifelong friends.

Brittany was predeceased by her Grandfather Peter Bung in June of 2017.

Dearest Brittany,

We love you more than words can express; we are so proud of you. On June 13, 1998, you became the light of our life, what a day for a miracle. We held you when you were a few hours old, we loved you instantly. You were our little peanut. A few years later we welcomed a baby brother into the family home. Watching you interact with him was priceless, it was such a joy. It did not take long for you to become his protector, a role that you will never relinquish. You had fond memories of your first year at the Waldorf school in Nelson B.C while you lived on Kooteney Lake. Your education continued in Lac du Bonnet. With your love of music, you decided to play the piano and for several years took lessons with Audrey Lehman in the little church beside the school, with your mom always attending. When Band was introduced at school you decided to play the saxophone, you especially enjoyed participating in the various concerts. What wonderful memories…You graduated high school this last summer, forming many treasured friendships along the way. You were determined to drive at the earliest opportunity and you did. You wanted independence, so you took a part-time job at Subway and at the 8 foot falls store in Pointe du Bois, which you continued through the summer. You then wanted full-time employment and were hired on at Drifters as a short order cook. Your passion for cooking led you to enroll in a Culinary Arts program at Red River Community College, which you were going to attend in the fall. Your passion of nature was fulfilled living in the Whiteshell Park. You loved the water and were always the first to jump in no matter how cold the water was (Jordyn caught it on video every year). You loved to fish, often you were down at the dock with Justin and Thomas fixing up your line. You were our fisher girl as you always caught the biggest and most fish with ease. You loved to take daily walks with Sashmo up the campground hill to the lookout. Cross Country Skiing was an adventure every year with mom and Justin, especially skiing down the little hills. Driving the skidoo and harvesting firewood with Dad was always gratifying. You really enjoyed taking long hikes with your grandparents, every hike was a new place to explore. You treasured your close relationships and times spent with your cousin Jaydah, your close friends Jordyn, Draven, Katelynn, Christine, Tessa, Betty, Thomas, Michael and Natalie. Bonfires, hot tubs, swimming, tubing, sleepovers, camping. All treasured memories with family and friends. We cherish memories from many trips all over the world including British Columbia to Aunty Candy and Uncle Andy’s, Cancun Mexico with Grandpa Peter, Dominican Republic, Disney World Florida with Grandma Brigitta and Grandpa Tom, Yellowstone Park and Europe with the Lac Du Bonnet Senior School.

When you were 6 years old we went on a book tour through Canada and down the coast to California with your book ‘ I see heart colors.’ We met so many amazing people and seen so many beautiful places. All of the people thoroughly loving the message in your book!

It was only a short while ago that we heard you in the kitchen music on, singing softly, cooking from an old recipe you had found. You could also be a bit of an enigma Brittany, a puzzle if you will. You could be somewhat shy, reserved, and mild-mannered, but you were always our pillar of strength, loving each of your family members and friends without question. Your generosity knew no bounds. You had a strong sense of Justice and were fiercely loyal. You were quick to forgive and always had time to help a friend. Brittany, you are our Champion. You found love this past year, a soul mate perhaps. It was heartwarming to see you walk around with a bounce in your step and a smile on your face. It was like you were walking on air. A pet name for you evolved from Britsky to Bright Sky, containing the sunshine you brought into our lives. You had a wonderful and subtle sense of humor along with your little sayings. When there was a trying day, we would see you approach with a little smile on your face and you would say really, really? and that is a problem because? and then we would hear a surprisingly deep throaty laugh and you would say “It’s good, it’s all good!”

Brittany, you left us with a wonderful legacy.  One of harmony, love, honor and courage. When we honor you, we will choose harmony over discord and division. We will choose love over hatred or bigotry, and we will choose courage over fear and ignorance. When we seek your monument all we have to do is look intently and we will see the serenity and beauty that surrounds us. We are so thankful for all the beautiful memories. As we continue the first steps in our never ending celebration of life, we can take some comfort in knowing that nothing, no one, can ever sever the ties that bind our hearts in eternal love.

We would like to express our loving gratitude to all her family and friends which came together to offer support. We have all been so deeply affected by her loss and she will forever remain a bright beacon in our hearts. Till we meet again sweet heart, love forever your loving family and friends.

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