January 12, 1930 – March 7, 2025
On March 7, 2025, Sophia Johanna Mathea Denouden (Bergmans) passed away peacefully at 95 years of age.
Fia was born in Eindhoven, Holland January 12, 1930, Sophia Johanna Mathea. Fia and Kees were married after the war and immigrated to Canada to start a new life. They were loving parents, grandparents, and great grandparents.
Sophia was a very kind lady and a great mom/Oma who enjoyed over 6 decades at West Hawk Lake with her beloved husband Kees and her Dutch friend Ellie Zimmerman and family from the Nite Hawk Café as well as their neighbour Peggy and Gary Tate who had many great years together. Everyone knew Sophia as Fia. She made many friends at the trailer park playing cards and Yahtzee, and if you were good, you might have gotten a bowl of tomato meatball or Dutch pea soup. Mom was always knitting making slippers, mitts, scarfs, and toques for everyone and the Red Cross.
Fia is survived by her family:
Son Bert (wife Deborah), son Doug (wife Melissa)
Sister Nell Ter Horst
Her 3 brothers have passed. Jon, Gerard and Kor.
Grand Children:
Lisa (husband Darren)
Kees (wife Sarah)
Shea (Tom)
Hana (Tyler)
Great Grandchildren:
As well as many nieces and nephews in Holland, Australia, and Canada.
Our family would like to express how grateful we are for the care and friendship given at the Southeast Personal Care Home (SEPCH) and all the staff that treated her with the utmost respect in her last years.
No words can describe what caregivers do to look after our aging loved ones.
A private family gathering will be taking place soon. In leu of flowers a donation or gift of thanks can be made to the SEPCH https://www.southeastpch.ca/home
4 thoughts on “Sophia Johanna Mathea Denouden (Bergmans)”
Doug, Mel, Jovi and family,
We are so sorry on the loss of your Mother, MIL and Oma. May the abundance of love and finest of memories of Sophia, guide you through your grief❤️ Thinking of you, Auntie Louise and David xxoo
I have wonderful memories of Phia at West Hawk Lake. She was always so kind and generous to my brother Brenden and I who spent summers next door at my grandmother’s trailer. Phia taught me the beautiful skill of to knitting hats and scarves. She was a kind soul with a big heart.
May she rest in peace. Sending lots of love to the family during this time.
Tiana (Peggy Tait’s Granddaughter)
Loved aunt FIA and the family.Aunt FIA was a lovely lady ❤️
Enjoyed Fia’s company at West Hawk Lake for 47 of her 60 years there. She was a kind person, willing to help anyone if she could. I lived 2 trailers over from hers so we saw a lot of her around the fire pit etc. I am the only one remaining in my birth family now. I was a daughter of Jean McNeice. My brother Bruce passed away in Aug. 2023.
Rest in peace dear Fia. Sending condolences to the Denowdene family. Cherish those good memories.