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Lionel Perreault

Lionel Perreault

September 28, 1946 – April 20, 2024 

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the peaceful passing of our husband, father, grand-papa, great-grand-papa, brother, godfather, uncle, and, friend to many, Lionel Perreault, on April 20, 2024, with his daughter Mirielle (Mimi) by his side, at Actionmarguerite Saint-Boniface (Centre Taché). 

Lionel is predeceased by his mother, Antoinette Perreault (née Dumaine); father, Adelard Perreault; sister, Rita Wenzoski (née Perreault); sister-in-law, Sofi Michos Perreault, brother-in-law, Claude Lansard and brother-in-Law, Clément Charrière. 

He leaves to mourn his wife of 55 years, Cécile Perreault (née Lagassé); children Maurice (Pam), Mirielle (aka Mimi) Smith, Jeanne (Buck) Duchene, and Julie (Collin) Janzen; grandchildren Danielle (Justin), Preston, Dalton (Brook), Chantay, Kieran, and Devin; great-grandchild Ethan. His sisters Alice (Gerry), Irene, Rose (Neil), Louise (Raymond), and Claudette (Dave); brothers Gerard, Denis (Cindy), René (Diane), Alain (Diane), and Roland aka Daniel (Joyce); along with many nieces and nephews, and countless friends. 

Papa was born September 28, 1946, at Saint-Boniface Hospital, the 5th of 12 children. He met his future wife 2 days later, as Cécile was born in the same ward, placed side-by-side in the nursery. 

When Maman met him again 22 years later, she knew she would marry him the first time she heard him speak. He was reading the minutes as secretary of a youth group. Those must have been some pretty compelling minutes! Their first date was as part of the youth group outing on the Paddlewheel Queen. Courtship culminated in marriage on Easter weekend, April 12, 1969, followed by four children, six grandchildren and a great grandchild, with two more on the way that he was looking forward to rock.  Dad’s ultimate favorite pass time was providing comfort to all his kids and grandchildren on the rocking chair, rocking and humming his favorite classic country music tunes to us. 

To satisfy a desire to see the country, he took on work as a cook’s assistant on trains for Via Rail. After missing his eldest daughter’s birth while out on a work trip, Dad left Via in favor of the stability provided by working at the Legislative building in Winnipeg. Dad spent the rest of his working years with the provincial government, working various sites, until health issues imposed an early retirement. 

Though he travelled less often, he experienced global variety through his coin and stamp collections. He also collected sports cards, pins, and key chains. 

A true armchair athlete, Dad was an avid follower of WWF wrestling, baseball, football and hockey. Dad burned calories by fervently rubbing his hands at the edge of his seat every time the action got tense. 

Papa shared his love of bowling with all his kids, to varying degrees of success. He landed a spot as a televised contestant on one of the earliest reality shows, Bowling for Dollars. 

Dad looked forward to weekly game nights with family and friends, where Canasta and Crib were the games of choice. 

Dad cherished his role as Santa Claus and enjoyed amassing an expanding miniature Christmas Village. 

He had a joy of baking for his family: pumpkin muffins or chocolate fudge, which often included chasing kids with batter hands. Papa was so proud of each of his grand and great-grandchildren, celebrating their every success and keeping momentos of their accomplishments. 

Dad loved going for long walks year-round, happily chatting up anyone he met. 

Anyone who met Dad was greeted by his ready smile and felt his warmth and kindness. He will be sorely missed. 

A celebration of life to honour him will occur at Voyage Funeral Home, 220 Hespeler Ave, on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at 1:30 PM. 

In lieu of flowers, gifts can be made in his name to Craig Street Cats – a no-kill animal shelter, in honour of his love of animals – or the Children’s Wish Foundation. 

10 thoughts on “Lionel Perreault”

  1. Liliane Lemoine.... Ancienne voisine de Ste. Anne

    Mes condoléances chère Cécile… Il était un true gentleman… Toujours souriant et un gros câlin quand on se rencontraient!

  2. Chère Cécile et famille, Paul et moi aimerions vous offrir nos très sincères condoléances. Je me souviens bien de Lionel lorsque je passais devant l’Accueil Colombien et que j’étais accueillie avec un beau sourire et une belle parole…toujours soucieux des autres et aimable… J’espère Cécile que ces paroles de réconfort auront alléger ta peine. Amitié toujours de Claudette

  3. Andrée Perreault

    Mimi, your father had a way of making every person he spoke with feel as if they were the most important person not only in the room, but on the planet. Never have I known anyone who personally embodied the feeling of a warm hug on a rainy day the way he did. At points in my life where I felt lost and insignificant with my baby in tow, I bumped into him regularly on my bus to work, and we chatted the ride away as he played peek-a-boo with the little one on my lap, told me stories about his grand children, and made sure I always left feeling like I’d just encounter a long lost “best friend” instead of an uncle I didn’t see all that much of truth be told.

    His passing is truly a great loss not only to me personally, or the numerous siblings, children, grand and great grand children, nieces and nephews, but to the world at large. People like Lionel Perreault are a rare exception in this life. I’ve seen so many of these traits in my recent brief encounters with you & Morris and am sure they run throughout the family as well, I’m sure based on that alone he’s left quite the legacy. The warmth and compassion always shown to myself and my brother is truly a beautiful kindness. Your father will be dearly missed.

    Much love to you and everyone else.

  4. What a beautiful tribute to my brother. He will be missed. Condolences to Cecile and her children. Love, Irene

  5. Claude Grégoire

    J’ai travaillé avec Lionel au début des années 1980 au Palais législatif. C’était un plaisir de travailler avec lui. Mes condoléances à la famille Perreault.

    Claude Grégoire

  6. Isabelle and Erwin Wirch

    Nos condoléances Cécile! Bon courage en ce temps de séparations. Lionel demeure près quoiqu’il semble bien loin!
    Avec amour, Isabelle(Lajoie) et Erwin Wirch

  7. Michelle Lagassé

    nos sincères condoléances chère Cécile et famille. Our sincere condolences in the passing of your dear husband Lionel.

    Cousine Michelle Lagassé et Dan Chatham, Cousine Jacqueline, Cousin Jacques et Roland

  8. Lionel was only 13 years old when Gerry and I got married 64 years ago. Like many families, our lives would take us siblings in many different directions. Most stayed or returned to Manitoba, but a few of us are still scattered across the country, with Gerard eventually settling in Vancouver, Denis in Toronto, and us in Edmonton.

    But family brought us back together for special occasions, weddings, anniversaries, special birthdays, and our times of losses, all occasions when we met and hugged each other when we could.
    For us, coming back to Winnipeg has always been a special time in re-uniting us with the family. We are only sorry we couldn’t stay this time until today.

    On every occasion when the Perreault clan got together, Lionel was always one of the first to come rushing up to us, a big smile on his face, telling us he was so happy to see us.

    He would gladly tell us his latest news, and what he and Cecile and the family were currently doing.
    He was so very proud of their kids and their accomplishments, and he beamed when he talked about their grandkids. It was such a joy to see.

    Our girls remember him best as the uncle who worked hard to provide for his family. Audrey remembers the summer she was 10 and went to stay with Cecile while Lionel was away on the trains, and Cecile was expecting Mimi. She loved it!

    All three girls remember the stories and the laughs that were easily found around Uncle Lionel.

    We have so loved to have Mimi and Chantay join us here in Edmonton on a few occasions and that Mimi keeps in touch with us all. It was also nice to get a chance to see some of the kids last week that we haven’t seen in a long time.

    But mostly we will miss Lionel’s bright smile and warm welcome. He was such a gentle soul.

    Sending big hugs to all the family.
    Love you

  9. Sherry Perreault

    What a gorgeous tribute to Uncle Lionel. He was such a kind, loving and gentle man. Whenever I saw him, he made me feel that I was the person he was most wishing to see that day, he would light up and you could feel the joy coming from him. He was always smiling and laughing, with a gentle humour – never a joke or laugh at anyone’s expense. He placed family as his top priority, and adored his wife and kids and grandkids. When I was getting married, he and Auntie Cécile had just had a very challenging year with various health issues and unexpected expenses. But when I told them about the wedding, they juggled and sacrificed so he could be there for me, as their godchild. I will always remember his huge, crushing hugs, his happy smile, and his kind heart, and am grateful to have had him in my life. Thank you Auntie Cécile, Maurice, Mimi, Jeanne and Julie for sharing him with us. Sending love.

  10. R(oland) Daniel Perreault

    My brother Lionel was a Simple Man. What you saw was what you got. His smile was genuine and greeted you boldly and openly, welcoming you to the occasion or simply to receive his warm wishes and blessings.

    Lionel could not be described as an Earth shaking force, Mover and Shaker or Captain of Industry. The closest to Earth shaking Lionel approached would have been his gardening. Though I witnessed but a few minutes, those were calm and attentive to his task.

    Lionel was not an ambitious man. None of the “Damn the torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead” attitude that might draw his energies towards career prestige. Diligence in his tasks, his principal concern and success was where his heart truly lay. His Family.

    Cecille was unquestionably the center of his gravity. They almost like a pair of stars spinning in close embrace as a cosmic wonder. His children were his greatest delight. His eyes al lit, smile stretching from ear to ear as he observed their respective discoveries of the wonders of life.

    With respect to his success, clearly his greatest was his family. The home filled with genuine love, heartfelt laughter and boundless joy. Surely there were times of concern, but always a confidence that they would endure. His family after all, was the furnace of this engine, stoking the fires of his passion.

    To all in attendance, I do not need to tell of his smile. He shared it with us all. A gift he shared with all, welcome to an attentive ear, struggling perhaps to hear clearly, but offered without distraction.

    If you wish to Honor my brother, Please share the gift he shared with us, one and all. Remember his smile, and in so doing I believe your face will reflect that smile he so easily gave.

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