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Crystal-Dawn Breland

Crystal Dawn Breland

November 8, 1978 – February 21, 2022 

With heavy hearts, we sadly announce the unexpected passing of Crystal-Dawn Mary Nicole Breland, on February 21, 2022 at the age of 43.

She is survived by her mother Linda (John) Bakalak; sisters, Destiny (Monty) Breland and Cheryl Burns (A.K.A Cookie); brother Steven (Dana) Breland; her seven children, Kristopher Batten, Michael Breland, Sarah Batten, Tommy-Lee Breland, Anthony Breland (A.K.A Auggie), Molly Breland and Nicole Richaud, as well as her partner Jamie Richaud; her lifetime and special friends Cheryl Genest and Angie Lawrence, who was like a second mother to her; along with numerous nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins and her cat Rascal.

Crystal is predeceased by her grandparents, Patrice Breland in 1982, Helen Breland in 2000, uncle Steve Breland in 2009, auntie Laurie in 2019, cousin David Breland in 2019, Pat Burns 2019, and lastly, her step-father Jeff Burns in 2020.

Despite the barriers she faced and the harsh realities of life, Crystal accepted these challenges with grace, and without question. She was carefree, outgoing and cared about people with the biggest heart. She enjoyed coloring, movies, cooking, music, and worked her magic on sparkle crafts, that were almost as beautiful as her.

Funeral service will be held on Monday, March 14, 2022 at 11:00 a.m., in the chapel of Voyage Funeral Home, 220 Hespeler Ave at Henderson Hwy in Winnipeg. A potluck gathering will follow at 1:00 p.m at Northwood Community Centre, 1415 Burrows Avenue.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Salvation Army (Centre Of Hope), at 180 Henry Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Crystal will be truly missed, and never forgotten. Her spirit will live, and be carried on through her children.

9 thoughts on “Crystal-Dawn Breland”

  1. We will miss you greatly. I had a dream where you came and said mom don’t cry I am happy. I thought we had more time. You had such a big heart and I miss you greatly. Molly will never forget how much you love her and we will make sure of that. I miss your smiles, you’re laughs when you knew you were being a stinker, but most of all we know how much you loved your kids and I will miss our talks. I know you lived a difficult life but you never gave up, drugs took you away from us but you kept on trying and your struggles were real. I will see you again my girl. Heaven has gained another Angel. Please keep her safe and let her know how much her family loves her.

    Love you,
    Molly, Mommy Angie and the whole Family.

  2. You will always be on my mind and forever in my heart like always! I miss you like crazy!I pray you have a safe journey to heaven. R.I.P. my dearest!☹️💋so much I want to say!you know already!I love you always and for eternity my best friend! Love always CGenest

  3. My dear friend, you had thee biggest heart and brightest spirit. You brang joy to so many who crossed your path. Thank you for everything you have given and left me and my family with. Until we see each other again Breland.

  4. Dear Linda, John and all family as well as extended family and friends. I was saddened to hear that Crystal had passed away. She was very young and had so much love around her, as read the comments it makes me truly happy that she brought so much joy to all. I knew her a long time ago. My thoughts and prayers go out to Linda and John and her children and siblings.
    Sincerely Kathy Taylor (Jeff’s ex )
    I bet Crystal was greeted by Jeff with a big hug.

  5. I’m so lost for words just found out this evening you left us. 💔 as I think about our childhood I can’t help but smile, you always knew how to make people laugh & feel loved. We somehow lost each other down the road but that didn’t mean we had forgotten how much are friendship was important to each other. I LOVE you then & I love you now. Rest easy my dear friend.

  6. Jeffrey Kowbel

    I miss and love you crystal my swift. Now a day goes by that she is in my mind and my heart and all around me i dont know how more tragic life can be when someone so good and kind and pure gets taken away from us. Not many people knew me or heard of me with others she knew as what we had was so special and irreplacable she was my best friend my heart is full because of her and i know life has a funny way of teaching us all something. She taught me more then i can explain true love true care true soul. “Their must be something in the water, their must be something bout your daughter, she said. Our love ain’t nothing but a monster, our love ain’t nothing but a monster with two heads and one heartbeat” love you my swift xoxoxo see you when i get there.

  7. My girl nobody knows but you n I the love we had and still have I will never stop loving you and our shine bright will no who her mom is and how much you love her. I am numb crys the pain I have will never go away and it gets worse everyday.i could not go to your funeral my girl I couldn’t have my last memory of the only person who truly loved me seeing you in a coffin. You always said Jamie ilove you because you love me and showed me what real love was.crystal we learned what love was together iwill never love again .I know people will think I’m crazy but I’m going to tell them anyway.i thank you for letting me know your ok and will always be close.so anyways about 5days after crys passed this is what happened to me. About 3yrs ago I had put to little stones that were odd looking and wth them I put a little piece of gold that I phound in a empty pill bottle and few days after that they disappeared I knew crys had them because she would do that with things of mine cause she thought I’d lose them so I always never said nothing cause she was right I would of lost them to. So I never seen them again n I had forgotten about them years ago.so 4or 5 days after crystals passing I went to catch a bus I sat on bench and I noticce a pill bottle on the bench beside me. I thought nothing about it so I grabbed it to see if there was pills in it and I opened it and you can believe this or not but I know n I wasn’t on drugs so I opened it n my stones n gold we’re inside n then it hit me i forgot about them I know crystal put them there I believe to tell not to worry she’s okay and will always be with me and everyone she loved believe or not but she came that day on bus bench. C crys my girl I love you n I will never stop Ioving you I always said you gave us an angel when Nicolle -maywas born and we were double blesses because now there was 2 angels nicolle-may n her sister Molly. My girl If Tears COULD BUILD A STAIRWAY AND MEMORIES A LANE ID WALK UP TO HEAVEN AND BRING YOU HOME AGAIN. I LovE YOU .

  8. Crystal was my Foster sister. I have only good memories of her, she was my sister and friend. She defended me and protected me. Today is Christmas day 2023. The last time I seen Crytal was when she left our home, around 1994-95. I lived with her for a couple of years and have only fond memories of her. Cryatal was an amazing sister… Loyal, protective, and trustworthy. I was so very sad to hear of her passing. She was loved and will be sadly missed. I wish i could have told her how special she was to me and my mom. Crystal — RIP – I love you. I am so sorry to find that you’re gone.

    I love you Sis, RIP — Steve

  9. Tommy-Lee Breland

    I really miss you mom. I always wonder what life would be like with you here still. I promise I’ll do better. I promise our family will be okay.
    One day we will all be reunited, walking through a valley somewhere, your star shining bright next to mine. All of us intertwined.
    I hope you’re doing well up there, giving our family guidance.
    I’ll never forget our last hug, you hugged me so tightly, I should’ve hugged you longer. I’m so sorry. I love you.

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