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James Calais Cowieson II

James Calais Cowieson II

August 24, 1943-June 27, 2024 

It is with deep sorrow we announce the passing of Jim – our beloved husband, father, grandad, brother, uncle, friend – who went to his eternal home with family by his side. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Marion, children Brenda (Scott), Cal (Annaka) and Mike (Melissa) and grandchildren (Emily and Austin, Luke, Maddy and Woeden), as well as sisters (Jacqueline, Linda and Angie), nieces and nephews. He is predeceased by his parents, brother Ray and sister Alison.

Jim was born in Aberdeen, Scotland to Cal and Nicola. He had a special relationship with his brother and sisters. He was always teasing his sisters but if anyone threatened or bullied them, he was there to defend them. The family immigrated to Canada in 1958 when Jim was 14 years old. He excelled in athletics and academics though he never completed high school. Instead, he began working to support the family following Grade 10. He apprenticed at Safeway as a meat cutter and his leadership skills were quickly recognized, resulting in management opportunities.

As a teenager, Jim’s love of music drew him to church. He joined the choir at St. Margaret’s and began his journey of faith in Jesus. This faith commitment was a defining moment as Christ became the foundation of his life. He went on to serve faithfully in church in various ways. 

Another pivotal moment was when Jim met Marion. They were married on August 14, 1971. They had a shared passion for music, family and faith. They were involved in worship ministry for over 50 years. They travelled with Revelation’s Revolution and Power in Praise, singing contemporary gospel in churches around North America. They led worship in their local church for many years. Jim’s favourite role was “Dad” to Brenda and Cal, later to bonus son Mike, who joined the family at age 5 following the unexpected loss of his mother, Maureen (Marion’s twin sister). He was an involved and supportive father, proud of his children. His happiest moments were singing with his family with Mar on the piano. Just days before the birth of Jim’s first child, his father died. Jim took on the role of patriarch with his brother, always there to help with whatever his mom and younger sisters needed (childcare, moving, co-signing a car loan, a little extra money or groceries if someone was in a tight spot); he was a steady presence in the family. With his unshakeable faith in God and Marion by his side, he weathered life’s many challenges with grace and courage. 

Jim was hard-working and ambitious. He started a business in the automotive industry. He then spent 20 years at Fort Ignition/UAP/NAPA, starting in sales and moving through the ranks to divisional management and training. He retired early due to vision loss. 

Retirement allowed him to spend more time with family and pursue other interests. He loved spending time at the cabin, travelling with friends Warren and Linda, going for lunch with work buddies Ron and Dwight, going for ice cream with the family and playing cards or games with the grandchildren (crib and Farkle were favourites). He had a sharp intellect and enjoyed “spirited” discussions about religion, politics, current events and sports. Jim loved learning about the Bible and sharing knowledge with others. He taught a Bible study through CNIB with visually impaired participants across Canada for 19 years until his passing. He spent many hours on the phone with friends and family offering prayer and wise counsel. This gave him purpose and meaning; blindness did not stop him from serving God in whatever capacity he was able.

Jim is described as loyal, funny, strong, generous, determined and loving. He was devoted to his wife and family. He was a good friend. He was a follower of Jesus. 

The family wish to thank the staff at St. Boniface Palliative unit for their compassion and care in the last days of his life. A funeral will be held at Grace Community Church on Thursday, July 4 at 11 AM. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to CNIB.

Revelation 21:4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.”

To view the recording of James Cowieson’s Funeral please visit: https://youtu.be/7vbajgWuNB4

5 thoughts on “James Calais Cowieson II”

  1. Fernanda Hodgson

    My deepest condolences , thoughts and prayers to Marion Angie and the entire family. Jim and Mar were an important part of my youth . I have learned many life lessons and have such fond memories , I will never forget you Jim. May you rest in eternal peace.

  2. I will miss you so much my dear brother Jim through the holy spirit.
    You brought me to our Mighty Father!
    Jim you showed me love , Joy and Peace from our mighty Father through the holy spirit!
    Oh Jim I will miss so much your teatching the bible through the CNIB.
    Until we meet again Jim.
    Love your sister through the holy spirit Barbie xox

  3. I have been given the gift to know you Jim!
    u have thought me so much my Dear Jim.
    You gave me the joy of the holy spirit!
    I know you are dancing in heaven now!
    Jim you now can see!
    Until we meet in heaven.
    love your sister through the holy spirit Barbie


    For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep.

    For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.

  4. Goodbye old friend. We shared some fun growing up in Winnipeg didn’t’ we: the choir at St Margaret’s, Victoria Beach church outings in canon Glover’s cabins, singing in the Clansmen (even a TV session), a coke at the Rickshaw restaurant on Portage after choir practice. You, my brother Jim and I shared many aspects of our growing up in the 60s. We all drifted apart eventually, but our friendship was something i will never forget,

  5. Lorraine Malyk

    Condolences to his family, I knew Jim from Fort Ignition/UAP/NAPA days, he was a fair and gracious man with a good sense of humour.

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