Q: I love reading and look forward to “Ask the Funeral Director” every Saturday. Is it true I can now watch Ask the Funeral Director videos? If so, where can I watch the videos?
– Kirstie W.
A: Thank you Kirstie for reading “Ask the Funeral Director”.
Yes, it is true. You may now watch videos that are recorded live every second Wednesday with host Shadoe Davis. The previous videos are available on our website at voyagefuneralhomes.com/the-shadoe-davis-show/. Each episode is approximately 30 minutes. Our next live episode will be held on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, at 9:15 p.m.
If anyone has a question to ask, or if you have recently had an experience with a funeral home or cemetery, good or bad, please share your story with us at askthefuneraldirector@gmail.com. No family should ever be taken advantage of in their time of need.
My goal as a funeral director is not to put down other funeral directors and /or funeral homes, however, to educate you today for peace of mind tomorrow.