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Mark Artimowich

Mark Artimowich

In times like this one has to try to make sense of what is possible to understand. On May 29th my world once again fell apart when my other son Mark passed away and was called home. There are no words to describe how and why this happened once again. I cannot believe that my two sons and husband are gone. In fifteen months I have lost my core family, I stand alone once again.
Yet this is not about me but my son Mark who was called home at 49 years. Way too early to go when he had so much to live for. He was so excited his daughter Ellery was graduating this month so proud of her achievements. His eldest son Broden recently got engaged to the love of his life Kirsten and who in the fall was going to make him a grandfather. He was over the moon with their news as I am. His youngest son Grayson is growing up and soon to get his driver’s licence. There are so many firsts he will be missing that he was looking forward to.

Mark was one of a kind those who truly knew him will understand. He had a wit that was hard to match, a zest for life that was remarkable. He lived each day to the fullest without regret. Often we talked about the importance of not wasting time on should have could have. This was who he was on every level. He loved life and went out of his way to make sure everyone knew what ARTI adventures were all about. His three children knew it well and he made lasting magical memories. I am grateful he made so many with his children, I know they will have those to cherish forever without him.
As my son I could not be prouder of him. He stepped in and up for me too many times to count. When his brother passed it burnt a hole in his soul, a gap that nothing could fill, I knew that. Then in a few short months he lost his father the rock of his core yet another dagger to his heart. The pain we both lived with was always present. We talked about it often. Nothing could ease this sorrow, the only thing we cherished was the memories and they did bring us peace and comfort.

This man loved everything about living. He was an outstanding skateboarder, snowboarder, hockey player, swimmer; his record still holds today at the Pan Am pool. He and Brent swam for years with Manta. There was nothing once he put his mind to it he could not do. Loved fishing and boating and really knew his way around creating outstanding meals. He took cooking to a new level.
Mark loved his career, he understood what was expected of him, and he was that man everyone could count on. He started off being sworn in with the OPP in Ontario. Once back in Manitoba he went on to be a correction officer out in Headingley, he loved the brotherhood. I once asked him how I would describe you if someone asked me. He smiled in his boyish way with his eyebrow raised as only he could do and said. Mom, think of yourself in a burning building what would you do? I pondered that thought and said I would get on the floor and crawl to the door. He said how would you break the door. I said I would look for the Axe. He smiled and said mom I am the glass in front of the Axe. Break it and I will be your Axe. That was my son always willing to lend a hand, always willing to help. I was blessed to have him for 49 years. He was a gift from above.

As I journey into the unknown that I find myself in, I know this. I must honour these three men that I had the privilege of being with. God must have a bigger plan that he needed these three for. I do not know why he called them home. I will have to wait until I see them again. God has protected my heart with happy loving memories to cherish. Knowing they are together again gives me comfort and peace. I have a purpose to try in some small way to help his children move forward without sorrow. Be there for his first unborn grandchild that he already adored. My job will not be easy , I am sure of that fact. One thing I have to carry me through is the loving memories I have been given. I will treasure each and every one and keep them close to my heart until we meet again.

I will be holding a celebration of life in the fall to honour all three of these amazing souls. Until then I want to thank each and everyone who has gone out of their way to help Mark’s family in this trying time. Without the love and support of all of you I would be lost. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Sandra Artimowich
Broden Artimowich
Ellery Artimowich
Kirsten Nault + baby Artimowich
Grayson Artimowich

8 thoughts on “Mark Artimowich”

  1. I am with a heavy heart. I worked with Mark and can attest to the fact he was such a wonderful man. I cannot comprehend your pain Sandra. To his children, I’m so sorry you have to go through this, but stay strong, your dad was loved. Please take comfort in the fact that he will be missed by many.
    Please take care of yourselves 🙏🏻

  2. Mark was my dear friend and he is missed everyday. I am so grateful for the many laughs we shared.
    Mark loved his family and was so proud of his children…. They were everything to him.
    Sandra, Broden ,Ellery, Grayson, Kirsten & baby, you are all in my thoughts…. I am so very sorry for your loss.

  3. Many nights Arti and I would sit in master control and ponder the curveballs life was throwing at us… his approach was to smile, laugh, and try to make the best of it!
    I will miss his laught the most!

  4. Hi Sandy

    Shelley and I are heartsick to hear that once again you have lost a loved one. It’s more than one person should be able to bear in a lifetime. Know that we grieve with you

    Your friends at Sage creek
    Ross and Shelley Young

  5. Sandi , I am so sorry for your loss, that was a beautiful tribute to your son. I’m sending you all my love and strength. 💔

  6. Rob "Butchie" Butchard

    My Canadian brother…You welcomed me to your Country and family with that great Canadian hospitality.. Never one to do things by halves you had such a passion for life and it was evident the love for your family and friends was the core to your soul.
    I had the privilage to know Bruice Wayne as well as Batman and loved the banter we could throw at each other as well as being that mate you could talk to. I already miss our calls reminiscing of the days at the Lake and planning your tour down under. My friend/brother you will be missed and never forgotten.
    Sandy, Broden, Grayson and Ellery, my love and thoughts are with you all. Take solace in knowing he’s always with you.
    Butchie xo

  7. Dear Sandi,
    I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I remember your telling me how close you were with Mark.
    May your love and memories keep you strong.
    My sincere condolences and sympathy.

  8. Peggy Prendergast

    I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your sons and husband Sandi. I have lost many but not a child. I can’t imagine your grief. Let the world of ART be your solace and your message to the world picturing your grief. As you live your memories don’t forget there is a future and the world does appreciate your talents. Please accept my sincere sympathy.

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